INbody Experience

Sept 22nd -25th, Springdale, UT


Are you ready to fully INbody all that you are and come home to yourself?

Are you feeling changes within you and in your world but are having a difficult time integrating them? Do you feel scattered? Tired? Alone? Are you ignoring parts of yourself that are asking to be seen? AND, the most important question... are you ready to have fun and play with us in this space?
Combining the skill sets, wisdom, energy and play that Amanda, Sarah, Kami & Shelby bring as facilitators to guide you back home to yourself, you will leave this retreat more fully integrated, INbodied and a fuller sense of the wholeness within YOU.
As we are leaning into this experience, a massive place of trust is coming in that we are leaning into. This place of reciprocity within us is connecting with you all in trust. This retreat is 100% donation based and we are giving you the place to tap into your heart, your higher self, and asking what you get to pay to join us. We get to do things different and have a new relationship with money.

Let's Play

Did you know that scientists have discovered that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain, unless it's done in play, in which case it takes only 10 to 20 repetitions. Are you ready to have a new engagement in life that feels easier?

Come join us for experiences that will enable you to move through how to be fully IN body!


Experience includes:

• 5-Start accommodations in a 8,000 sqft home located in Springdale, UT
• Daily experiences to step more and more fully into YOU.
• All meals 
• Goodie Bag
• Healing sound baths and guided meditation journeys
• Wisdom, knowledge and value brought with four teachers and facilitators
• Connecting with the sacred land in Zion’s National Park
• Post retreat calls via zoom for three weeks. 1 call a week.

Sept 22nd-25th, 2022
Springdale, UT
Arrive Wed the 21st  between 5pm -10pm.
Retreat begins 10am Sept 22nd & ends the 25th at noon.
House address will be emailed to you a few weeks before the retreat.

About your Facilitators

Amanda Joy

Amanda is a Shamanic practitioner of energy medicine, NLP practitioner, Reiki practitioner, intuitive visionary, podcaster, public speaker, published author of “Love & The Spaces In Between”, "Leaving Religion: A Guide" and mother of the infamous Brady Bunch - Version 2.0.  

As a seeker of truth and student of life & throughout hundreds of hours in practices and studies, she has become dedicated to being in alignment with her sovereign and highest self; embracing what her unique expression and gifts are meant to be in this life and shared with the world through her practice and teachings. 

Amanda offers retreats, online courses, meditations, speaking engagements, one-on-one immersive individual programs and workshops dedicated to spiritual and energetic alignment offering healing, tools, growth and expansion. She has given herself the title of alignment coach as that fits best what she feels she is her to do. Her passion and dharma is assisting others to remember who they are as they find their authentic expression to their own lives, stepping into their unique autonomous selves and embracing their beautiful gifts in all that they are.

Sarah Eyre

Sarah Eyre is an 
Alchemist of Life. She Speaks Truth, talks and walks with her Higher self, Source, and sees the whole in everything and everyone ! Sarah is the remembrance we once were and just need reminding of.

She Has been shown a way to see mirrors in others that represent her. And she can guide you to do the same.

She is The friend that will show you your pieces and accountability, and guide you into finding that you are the creator of your life. So you can actually feel and experience it.

Sarah helps you see patterns of lies and shame you have used in order to survive. Things that have played your whole life. She can help you witness this part of you that no longer serves you.

She is not scared do it different. And walk with Fear in the darkness. The way we have done it doesn’t work- look at history- it repeats itself, so She chooses to do it differently than it’s ever been done. In order to break the patterns of life… And Sarah invites you to Play and do it with her.

Fun. Activator. Truth. Play. Direct. Love. Movement. Witness. Transformation. Alchemy.

Certified in Many modalities. But the one she loves most is the one called Sarah

Trust within herself 💓

She is her own Modality.
And her desire is to open the door for you to embrace yours. 😘

Shelby Smith &

Kami Mitchell

Shelby and Kami, partners both in life and in business, are celebrators of the human experience! Over the last decade, they have co-created and held retreats to invite others to get back in touch with their whole selves through movement, breath, sound, touch, music, emotional release, and play.

These two have done the work inside, and within the last five years, have answered their heart call, leaving toxic marriages, outgrowing the walls of organized religion, releasing old patterns, rewriting old programs and digging deep to identify the lies they tell themselves, to find truth.

They believe in humanity and invite us all to slow down, behold the creators that we are, and BE magnificent, by being all of you.

Both Shelby and Kami are trained in reiki, BARS, Heart Theta, presenting, energy, healing touch, Tantra, mindset shifts, loving all that arises, emotional clearing/release, movement and flow, shadow work, heart mentoring, play and inner child work. They are certified cuddlers as well, and
are published contributing writers in several co-authored books.

You can find them discussing “what else is possible?” on their highly reviewed podcast called Hornication, in front of audiences on stages all over the Midwest, facilitating at a local pain management clinic and on spontaneous live videos on social media. They are thrilled and honored to BE with all those who are choosing into the INbody Retreat!




It was a beautiful weekend. I love the flow. The palm reading really added to my spiritual growth/progression. I love Holly’s daily yoga. The setting and pool are amazing. Love the breath journey. Love the bonfire and singing. Love to be with you again


AMAZING!!! Wasn’t sure what I signed up for at first. But walked away with a sense of peace and a better understanding of myself. At the same time I walked away with my “spiritual” side more open. Going to a retreat for more than 1 day I feel gave me more time to really dive into all that I was learning. The retreat was ran very smoothly!!!! I feel that it touched on so many different subjects, feelings and experiences. Because of this I feel it helped everyone there to benefit in some way.


“After this retreat I feel like I’ve connected to my heart center again. It was beautiful to participate with a circle of women of all ages coming together in sisterhood. I felt empowered, uplifted, safe, connected, and very inspired. I didn’t realize how much my soul was craving the connection of women. Holly and Amanda were amazing guides and spiritual teachers. They facilitated a safe space for us to share from the heart and be vulnerable as we participated in awakening processes and ceremonies. The movement of yoga with Holly each morning was a beautiful compliment and prepared us for the day ahead. But, my favorite was the breath journey! It was powerful and transformative for me. I will take so much from this retreat - the power of reframing my personal narratives and the reminder to feed my soul by nurturing myself and others with a receptive heart. Trust your intuition and do it. You will come out renewed and inspired to live life more connected to your beautiful heart center."


Amazing retreat! I had no expectations except to be open to receive and give and grow. It really left me with a lot of self awareness and opening to my self and helped me excel allow my path. Being with so many like minded people made me so confident to continue to just step into who I am more without any reservations. Not only that but literally the energy of the group was just so pure, positive, light and love. I hadn't truly realized until I got back home how different vibration the group of people existed at compared to many people I interact with day to day. I am still so peaceful and happy more and more each day since getting back. I feel an overall raised vibration. My daily life is similar but how I show up for myself and others has changed. It’s hard to describe! People have asked me when they interact with me or talk to me that something is different. It’s difficult to describe the experience in words. Cannot wait for more people to experience the love and healing you both provide people to see their own love and how we are our own best healers if we can tap into our best highest self. When is the next retreat?


Such a great experience! I highly recommend everyone create time in their life for this. So powerful and so much wisdom shared and received. I'm so grateful for the experience I enjoyed at this retreat. Can't wait to go again!


Amanda and Holly led a beautiful retreat. It flowed well and had some great exercises and activities. The people there were also amazing. I would highly recommend this event.


“The retreat was a beautiful experience. Location was exquisite and comfortable. Loved the teachings, and open discussions - complete with many take-always! My husband and I came with open hearts and left full of gratitude. Amanda is an amazing and gifted teacher, the space she held was sacred, beautiful and safe.

One of my favorite parts was the multiple meditations she led.

I would highly recommend attending any of Amanda’s retreats for anyone looking to up level their personal growth. And I imagine you will leave with a few more beautiful souls, you’ll now see as friends.”

-Kelly & Jessica Devenish

"When I first decided to go to this retreat I truly had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that my heart had been hurting and I was looking for tools or ways to help heal it. This retreat surpassed any expectation I previously had. I gained tools insight a community and most importantly felt a huge shift in my heart. The retreat in itself was informational and transformative, but I would say it’s what came after the retreat that has truly been incredible. Those few days with Holly and Amanda set me up to experience healing like never before. I’m so grateful I went and I highly highly recommend this experience for anyone looking to heal their heart!"
