Leaving Religion Podcast

This is a passion project and I am thrilled to bring it to life!



This podcast is full of stories, including mine, of leaving religion and our experiences through it.

My desire is to assist others in having a deeper understanding of their path and that leaving
does not have to be full of anger and hatred. This podcast is not about bashing any religion or
people but is about our stories of moving through the different stages of grief. Of navigating the waters after religion and ultimately coming to our spiritual center.


My hope is that as you listen you will feel hope, peace and a place to feel a sense of community. You are not alone in your journey.

Find me on Spotify & Apple Podcast
or click below to listen!


The Beginning:
Why I left Mormonism.

Solocast. I left Mormonism in 2012. The same year that I also divorced my husband. To say that my world unraveled was an understatement. However, I felt calm in the process because I knew this was the right decision for me. Like most of you, I experienced the struggles of being a Mormon. The patriarchy pieces, the aspect of being a mom and wanting to work. The guilt and shame of "mom's number one job is to raise their children"




Are you feeling the call to share your story of why you left religion and how you found your spiritual center? Or maybe you have another story around finding the truth of who you are. Click below to be a possible guest on the podcast.



Have left or are leaving a religion

Are looking for healing

You desire to have new perspective on life

Seeking for truth and understanding

 Want to feel a sense of community

You're not alone



Hi! I am Amanda Joy
Loveland and I am thrilled to be hosting this podcast!


Never say never! This is something I have learned again and again in my life. I never thought I would be hosting a podcast like this! Never. However when I received the inspiration for doing this it was a such a strong, full body yes, I could not ignore it! I am grateful I listened as this podcast has been an immense gift to me and one I have been honored to create and host.

Come join me on this journey of interviewing amazing people that remind us all that we are more alike than we are different.


My superpower is that I am a spiritual architect. In all things I step into, I lean into the energy of what gets to be created, held and honored. We are all seekers of truth and we all desire to know and claim our spiritual center.


Are you ready to lean in more fully to all that you are?


Feeling anxious? Here are
six steps to help naturally!


Get my clearing your energy centers meditation for FREE!

Join me in this gentle meditation, using your breath, to bring awareness & attention to each chakra system. As we bring awareness into each space we get to bring attention here to notice what needs to be felt or withnessed. Then I will guide you to release all that is no longer serving and allow yourself to come to a zero point. This mediation is a beautiful start to your day. The more you do this, the easier it will become and the more centered you will feel through your day.

It was a beautiful weekend. I love the flow. The palm reading really added to my spiritual growth/progression. I love Holly’s daily yoga. The setting and pool are amazing. Love the breath journey. Love the bonfire and singing. Love to be with you again


AMAZING!!! Wasn’t sure what I signed up for at first. But walked away with a sense of peace and a better understanding of myself. At the same time I walked away with my “spiritual” side more open. Going to a retreat for more than 1 day I feel gave me more time to really dive into all that I was learning. The retreat was ran very smoothly!!!! I feel that it touched on so many different subjects, feelings and experiences. Because of this I feel it helped everyone there to benefit in some way.


“After this retreat I feel like I’ve connected to my heart center again. It was beautiful to participate with a circle of women of all ages coming together in sisterhood. I felt empowered, uplifted, safe, connected, and very inspired. I didn’t realize how much my soul was craving the connection of women. Holly and Amanda were amazing guides and spiritual teachers. They facilitated a safe space for us to share from the heart and be vulnerable as we participated in awakening processes and ceremonies. The movement of yoga with Holly each morning was a beautiful compliment and prepared us for the day ahead. But, my favorite was the breath journey! It was powerful and transformative for me. I will take so much from this retreat - the power of reframing my personal narratives and the reminder to feed my soul by nurturing myself and others with a receptive heart. Trust your intuition and do it. You will come out renewed and inspired to live life more connected to your beautiful heart center."


Amazing retreat! I had no expectations except to be open to receive and give and grow. It really left me with a lot of self awareness and opening to my self and helped me excel allow my path. Being with so many like minded people made me so confident to continue to just step into who I am more without any reservations. Not only that but literally the energy of the group was just so pure, positive, light and love. I hadn't truly realized until I got back home how different vibration the group of people existed at compared to many people I interact with day to day. I am still so peaceful and happy more and more each day since getting back. I feel an overall raised vibration. My daily life is similar but how I show up for myself and others has changed. It’s hard to describe! People have asked me when they interact with me or talk to me that something is different. It’s difficult to describe the experience in words. Cannot wait for more people to experience the love and healing you both provide people to see their own love and how we are our own best healers if we can tap into our best highest self. When is the next retreat?


Such a great experience! I highly recommend everyone create time in their life for this. So powerful and so much wisdom shared and received. I'm so grateful for the experience I enjoyed at this retreat. Can't wait to go again!


Amanda and Holly led a beautiful retreat. It flowed well and had some great exercises and activities. The people there were also amazing. I would highly recommend this event.


“The retreat was a beautiful experience. Location was exquisite and comfortable. Loved the teachings, and open discussions - complete with many take-always! My husband and I came with open hearts and left full of gratitude. Amanda is an amazing and gifted teacher, the space she held was sacred, beautiful and safe.

One of my favorite parts was the multiple meditations she led.

I would highly recommend attending any of Amanda’s retreats for anyone looking to up level their personal growth. And I imagine you will leave with a few more beautiful souls, you’ll now see as friends.”

-Kelly & Jessica Devenish

"When I first decided to go to this retreat I truly had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that my heart had been hurting and I was looking for tools or ways to help heal it. This retreat surpassed any expectation I previously had. I gained tools insight a community and most importantly felt a huge shift in my heart. The retreat in itself was informational and transformative, but I would say it’s what came after the retreat that has truly been incredible. Those few days with Holly and Amanda set me up to experience healing like never before. I’m so grateful I went and I highly highly recommend this experience for anyone looking to heal their heart!"
